The Future of CAD Technology: Innovations and Implications

"A display connected to a digital computer gives us a chance to gain familiarity with concepts not realizable in the physical world. It is a looking glass into a mathematical wonderland." Ivan Sutherland, father of CAD, 1965

CAD technology has become integral to the manufacturing, engineering, architecture, and construction industries. CAD enables enterprises to streamline design workflows, reduce costs, and improve product quality. Computer-aided design systems have played a pivotal role in revolutionizing design and engineering processes across various industries. The evolution of computer-aided design systems shows the power of technology in transforming the way we create and innovate, from the early days of the first digital drafts to today's sophisticated 3D modelling and simulation tools enhancing generative design and additive manufacturing (3D printing).

The world of design technology is constantly evolving. This article will look closely at some of the most exciting developments: we have examples from generative design to virtual reality (VR) and applications aided by machine learning, such as real-time engineering simulation. Those technologies speed up the design process, shortening design iterations and fostering collaborative innovation in virtual environments within organizations.

Generative design is a critical part of this evolution. Designers can define objectives and constraints using algorithms to generate various design iterations. This approach accelerates the process and uncovers optimized solutions that might otherwise go undiscovered.

Virtual reality is another essential aspect of design technology. It allows engineers to immerse themselves in their digital creations, interact with them, and evaluate their functionality and aesthetics in a lifelike virtual environment. This technology goes beyond traditional 2D screens, making it possible to analyze complex objects and gain deeper insights.

CAD technology is the backbone of modern design and has evolved into an ecosystem that seamlessly integrates with transformative technologies. It enables generative designs to take shape and helps translate virtual reality experiences into tangible design decisions.

Machine learning techniques based on neural networks further enhance the impact of these technologies. By analyzing historical data and design parameters, machine learning algorithms assist engineers in making informed decisions. They predict potential design flaws, optimize designs based on patterns, and empower engineers with predictive insights that inform their creative journey.

Hololens Mixed Reality
Hololens Mixed Reality

The integration of generative design, virtual reality, CAD technology, and data-driven prediction holds tremendous promise for the future of design. Conventional constraints no longer bind engineers but can instead use these breakthroughs to push the boundaries of what's possible.

Before looking into future CAD technology, let us review its evolution in the past 60 years.

The Evolution of CAD Software

Beginnings of Digital Drafting: 1960s-1970s

The roots of computer-aided design (CAD) software can be traced back to the 1960s, a period when computers were first harnessed for engineering calculations and problem-solving. During this era of technological exploration, several pioneers contributed to developing early CAD concepts, setting the stage for the transformative role CAD would later play in design and engineering.

Ivan Sutherland and "Sketchpad"

One of the most notable figures during this period was Ivan Sutherland, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for interactive graphical design tools. In 1963, Sutherland and his student David Evans introduced "Sketchpad," a revolutionary computer program developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This program is often hailed as one of the earliest instances of interactive computer graphics and design systems.

Ivan Sutherland and Sketchpad

Ivan Sutherland's "Sketchpad" enabled users to draw and manipulate geometric shapes directly on a computer screen using a light pen, a precursor to today's stylus input. This marked a significant departure from traditional paper-and-pencil drafting methods and introduced the concept of real-time interaction with digital graphical elements. "Sketchpad" allowed users to define shapes, constraints, and relationships between objects, paving the way for parametric modelling in CAD.

Emergence of Early CAD Tools

Beyond "Sketchpad," other early CAD pioneers also made strides in digital design. Dr. Patrick Hanratty, often called the "Father of CAD/CAM," developed the PRONTO system in the late 1960s. PRONTO was among the first commercially available CAD software. In the 1970s, Dr. Hanratty's further contributions led to the development of ADAM (Automated Drafting and Machining), which introduced computer-aided design and manufacturing integration, marking a significant step in the evolution of CAD.

Collaborative Efforts and Growing Interest

During the late 1960s and early 1970s, collaborative efforts between academia, research institutions, and industry began to shape the CAD technology landscape. Organizations like the General Motors Research Laboratories, MIT, and the Aerospace Corporation were exploring ways to leverage computer technology for design tasks. By the mid-1970s, the National Bureau of Standards (now the National Institute of Standards and Technology) initiated the Graphics Kernel System project to develop standardized graphics software for CAD applications. This project laid the groundwork for consistent graphics interfaces and data exchange protocols that would later contribute to the interoperability of CAD tools.

Transition to CAD Software with 3D Modeling: 1980s-1990s

The 1980s marked a significant shift as CAD incorporated 3D modelling capabilities. This allowed designers to create virtual 3D representations of objects and structures, enabling more accurate visualization and analysis. One of the key developments during this era was the introduction of SolidWorks in 1995, which brought parametric 3D modelling to the forefront. Parametric modelling allowed for associativity between different components, enabling changes to propagate throughout the design.

JBL E40BT @ Solidworks | Solidworks Photoview Render | Flickr
JBL E40BT @ Solidworks

CAD Software and Simulation: 2000s

The turn of the millennium witnessed the integration of simulation and analysis capabilities into computer-aided design systems. Engineers could now simulate real-world behaviors such as structural integrity, fluid dynamics, and thermal characteristics directly within the design environment. CAE significantly reduced the need for physical prototypes, saving time and resources. Additionally, advancements in graphics technology facilitated realistic visualization, enabling designers to present their concepts more effectively. Simulations were not yet available in cloud computing and required local private computing farms.

CAD Software, the Rise of Cloud-Based CAD and Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) in the 2010s

The 2010s saw several innovations in how CAD systems were accessed and used. We will quote a couple: virtual and augmented reality and additive manufacturing (3D printing).

Cloud-based CAD platforms emerged, enabling real-time collaboration and data sharing among global teams. Designers could work on the same project simultaneously, regardless of their geographical location. This revolutionized how industries operated, as companies could access global talent pools and shorten product development cycles.

As additive manufacturing 3D printing technology advanced, CAD software incorporated features to interface with 3D printers directly. This allowed designers an easier transition from digital models to 3D printing of physical prototypes.

Apart from cloud-based CAD, the concept of cloud computing for Computer-Aided Engineering started to become popular, with the possibility of using emerging technologies such as CFD on remote clusters, sparing IT investments to organizations.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Integration: Future Prospects

As CAD technology continued to evolve, one of the most promising directions was integrating virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) into the design process. These technologies can further facilitate the interaction of designers with their creations and how stakeholders perceive and participate in design decisions.

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality creates a fully immersive digital environment that allows designers to step inside their creations. VR headsets transport users into a three-dimensional world where they can manipulate objects, evaluate proportions, and experience scale as if the design were a physical object. This immersive experience enhances the design process by better understanding spatial relationships, ergonomics, and aesthetics intuitive design.

VR finds application in various industries. Architects and urban planners can use VR to virtually walk through unbuilt structures and urban spaces, allowing for more informed design decisions. Automotive designers can simulate driving experiences and test visibility within a virtual vehicle prototype. Engineers in aerospace can conduct cockpit simulations to optimize user interfaces and ergonomic designs.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality overlays digital information onto the real world, enhancing our perception of reality rather than replacing it. This technology has profound implications for design review, collaboration, and maintenance.

Imagine an architect using augmented reality glasses to see a building design overlaid onto an existing site, providing an immediate understanding of how the new structure fits within its surroundings. Similarly, maintenance technicians can use AR to access digital overlays of complex systems, helping them identify and address issues without requiring extensive manuals or training.

A Synergic Actor: PLM

An important environment for CAD is PLM. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is a strategic approach and a set of processes and software tools organizations use to manage and optimize the entire lifecycle of a product. PLM can enable engineers in leading companies to follow product life from its concept phase and CAD design, through manufacturing and distribution, to its final retirement. PLM encompasses activities based on specific tools such as CAD design, CAE engineering, and more, all aimed at improving efficiency, and facilitating cross-functional collaboration across different stages of a product's lifecycle.

History of PLM

PLM traces its roots back to the late 20th century, primarily emerging during the 1980s as a response to the growing complexity of product development and manufacturing processes.

One of the earliest instances that contributed to the evolution of PLM was the introduction of Product Data Management (PDM) systems. PDM systems, which began to emerge in the late 1970s and early 1980s, focused on managing the digital data associated with product design and engineering. These systems laid the foundation for the broader PLM concept by emphasizing the importance of data organization, version control, and collaboration across various stages of product development.


In the 1990s, "Product Lifecycle Management" emerged, and software vendors developed solutions for managing product information and processes throughout their lifecycles to streamline design, manufacturing, and collaboration. PLM software systems evolved to include tools for project management, supply chain collaboration, quality control, and regulatory compliance.

The close relationship between PLM and Computer-Aided Design (CAD) became evident as CAD technology matured alongside PLM concepts. CAD software, which had been in development since the 1960s, experienced significant advancements in the 1980s and 1990s. During the same period, PLM systems were being refined to integrate various aspects of product development, manufacturing processes, and support.

Applications: Computer-Aided Design in the Automotive Industries

The auto sector has been at the forefront of adopting and innovating with CAD technology for its manufacturing industry. From concept design to manufacturing, CAD systems have revolutionized every stage of vehicle development, leading to safer, more efficient, and visually appealing automobiles.

Concept Design and Styling

CAD and simulation tools play a crucial role the early stages of automotive design in creating the aesthetic vision of a vehicle. Designers use CAD software to sketch and model various design iterations, experimenting with shapes, proportions, and lines. 3D modelling lets them visualise the car from all angles, helping refine the brand's design language. Simulation tools allowing users to verify the functionality of ideas can enable engineers to transition to the next phase of details within a better-defined region of design space rather than waiting for later stages where it could be too late to overhaul the basic framework of the design.

The transition from CAD tools to simulation tools, until the advent of the Deep Learning technological breakthroughs, had to pass through laborious surface and volume meshing operations.

Manufacturing and Assembly

CAD is instrumental in planning the manufacturing process. Engineers use CAD models to design production lines and tooling, ensuring efficient assembly processes. 3D models help engineers identify potential assembly issues early, reducing production delays and costs. Virtual assembly simulations can enable engineers even validate assembly sequences before physical parts are available.

The Aerospace Industry

The aerospace industry demands accuracy, productivity, and security, making CAD systems indispensable for all aircraft and spacecraft design aspects.


Aircraft Design and Analysis Features

Creating an aircraft design is a complicated process that involves weighing various factors, such as aerodynamics, weight distribution, and structural soundness. CAD systems help engineers develop intricate 3D models of aircraft components, wings, and fuselages. These models undergo various tests, including stress analysis, fluid dynamics, and thermal simulations, to ensure optimal performance and safety.

Propulsion System Design Process

The efficiency and performance of an aircraft's propulsion system are critical. CAD tools are used to design engines, turbines, and exhaust systems. Simulation tools analyze the airflow and combustion processes, optimizing fuel efficiency product performance and minimizing emissions.

Spacecraft Design and Exploration

CAD plays a crucial role in designing spacecraft for exploration missions. Engineers use CAD systems to create modules, components, and docking mechanisms for spacecraft destined for deep space exploration or satellite deployment. Simulations help plan trajectories and optimize fuel consumption for interplanetary journeys.

Structural Analysis and Materials

Safety and reliability are key factors in the aerospace industry. CAD tools aid in designing and analyzing the structural integrity of aerospace components. Material properties are integrated into CAD models to predict how structures behave under different conditions, ensuring they can withstand space travel and re-entry stresses.

Assembly and Manufacturing

Precision is essential in aerospace manufacturing. CAD systems help plan the assembly process, ensuring complex components fit together seamlessly. They are also used in creating molds and tooling for composite materials commonly used in aerospace to balance strength and weight.

What Will be the Future CAD Technology?

Looking towards the future of CAD, it is evident that CAD technology will continue evolving and revolutionizing how industries design, create and innovate. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is poised to bring about significant changes to computer-aided design systems, making them smarter, more advanced features intuitive and efficient.

One of AI and ML's most significant impacts on the future of CAD will be automating repetitive tasks like generating design variations, optimizing designs, and conducting simulations. This will free up designers and engineers to put less effort and focus on more innovative and creative tasks, leading to the development of better products and services.

The future of CAD is also expected to incorporate virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) technologies. This integration will enable designers and engineers to visualize and interact with their designs in real time, making it easier to identify and resolve issues before the physical production of products.

In conclusion, the future of CAD is bright, with AI, ML, VR, and AR set to transform how industries design, create, and innovate. The potential for CAD technology to revolutionize industries is limitless, and as we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible, the possibilities are endless.

Enhancing CAD Tools with Advanced Simulation and Analysis Capabilities

The CAD environment now allows designers to perform simulations such as finite element analysis, fluid dynamics, and thermal simulations. This efficient process helps designers identify and address issues early, minimizing costly prototyping iterations.

However, the question arises: What if artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) could further enhance these capabilities, bringing the full power of high-fidelity Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) into CAD software?

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the Future of CAD

Imagine a CAD system that provides the tools to create intricate 3D models and employs AI and ML algorithms to replace the simulation process with data-driven prediction based on Convolutional Neural Networks, in short, systems inspired by human vision. This is one of the latest advancements in AI, and while not as widely known as LLM and ChatGPT, it could deeply impact the product development process in the near future.

A CAD model of geometry can, therefore, be recognized, and its Computer-Aided Engineering attributes, such as fluidic or mechanical properties, can be predicted with specific machine learning techniques, i.e. Deep Learning.

Benefits of Deep Learning Simulation for CAD Designers

We will explore the technological breakthroughs and practical applications provided by the continuously evolving field of machine learning techniques and especially their latest developments in deep learning with management of complex parts, and how they are increasing productivity in design analysis.

Rapid Predictive Insights with Deep Learning Prediction

By leveraging the power of AI-driven predictive models, designers could rapidly obtain insights into how different design variations would behave under specific conditions. This has a major impact on accelerating the design iteration process, as designers could assess the impact of changes without running resource-intensive simulations.

Reduced Simulation Overhead with Deep Learning Prediction

AI-powered predictions based on pre-trained CNNs could substantially reduce the computational overhead by providing quick approximations of simulation results. This would enable designers to explore a wider range of design possibilities within the same time frame, thus bringing simulation nearer to the needs of product design.

Design Exploration in the Product Development Process

AI-driven CAD simulation could foster a culture of exploration and innovation. Designers would be encouraged to experiment with unconventional and complex designs more, knowing that they can quickly gauge the potential performance outcomes using predictive AI models. This can facilitate to the discovery of novel solutions that might not have been considered otherwise.

Democratizing CAE for CAD Software Users

Complex simulation tools often require specialized knowledge to operate effectively. Integrating AI-driven predictive models into CAD systems could democratize CAE, making advanced analysis capabilities accessible to a broader range of designers, even those with limited simulation expertise.

Rapid Design Iterations with Real-Time Feedback

As designers make changes to their CAD models, the AI-driven predictive system could provide real-time feedback on the potential implications of those changes. This dynamic feedback loop would empower designers to make informed decisions at every stage of the design process.

Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing

AI-driven predictive models could be standardized and shared across design teams, creating a repository of valuable knowledge. This would facilitate collaboration and the exchange of design insights among team members, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Final Considerations on Challenges

However promising the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning into CAD simulation may be, several challenges must be addressed:

  1. Data Quality and Quantity: Developing accurate and reliable predictive models requires significant-high-quality training data. Ensuring data consistency and quality is critical to building effective AI-driven CAD simulation systems.
  2. Model Interpretability: As Artificial intelligence models become more complex, understanding how they arrive at certain predictions becomes challenging. Ensuring the transparency and interpretability of AI decisions is essential for designers to trust and validate the outcomes.
  3. Domain Expertise: While AI models can make predictions based on data, they may lack human engineers' deep domain expertise. Integrating AI predictions with human expertise is essential for producing well-rounded design solutions.

Latest Trends and Conclusions on the Future of CAD

AI-driven CAD simulation is representing a revolution in design methodology. With the combined capabilities of deep learning and predictive modelling, designers are elevated from waiting experts (hours or days) to provide traditional high-fidelity simulations or as an alternative, perform low-fidelity simulations. With deep learning, any CAD engineer can enter a realm of rapid, data-driven instantaneous predictions and explore their design space to choose between design alternatives or, what was previously impossible, create products with optimal product performance with AI algorithms under their firm control. This can be achieved with parametric models but also with powerful tools inspired by computer vision allowing users to manage complex geometries without prerequired parametric modeling.

Combined with optimization algorithms, AI algorithms can provide generative design solutions ideally coupled to 3D printing, with unprecedented timing from initial concept to results thanks to innovative simulation and manufacturing processes such as 3D printing.

This democratic transformation of computer-aided engineering could reshape the design process, encouraging innovation, collaboration, and efficiency across various industries.

While challenges lie ahead, the potential benefits of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for the future of CAD are immense, promising to empower designers with new and powerful tools that enhance creativity, decision-making, and overall design quality.

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About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
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About the author
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
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About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
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About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
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About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
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About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.
About the author
About the author
Anthony Massobrio
Anthony has been a CFD expert since 1990, working initially as a senior researcher, then moved to Engineering, acting also as technical director in a challenging Automotive Tier 1 supplier environment. Since 2001, Anthony has worked in Software & Engineering Consultancy as a Sales Engineer and manager. In 2020, Anthony fell in love with AI and has worked since then in the field of “AI for CAE” at Neural Concept and as an independent contributor.